Wednesday, August 26, 2009


As the 2009-2010 school year begins to unfold with our new theme, "Orchestrating a Symphony of Student Success". the Art Department is prepareing to scaffold the academics with "right brained" expression and understanding. All of us are excited about the lessons we have planned and the work that will come from our student body. The following are a few things we could use in the Art Lab and on the Art Carts. Any and all items are greatly appreciated!!!!!!!

"Trash" Treasures:
Styo egg cartons
clean soup/veg. cans
old cd's or DVD's
old broken jewelry
small wood scraps
small game pieces
unwanted craft items
"cool whip" like containers
unwanted fake flowers/foliage
old working hairdryer
flat Styrofoam pieces
old calendars
"family friendly" magazines
Any thing that might be fun
to glue or add to an art project.

Art Wish List:

Baby wipes

Lg bars of Ivory soap

Heavy duty alluminum foil

hydrogen peroxide

med. wooden skewers

jewelry wire (or similar weight)

glossy photo paper

HP 02 photoprinter ink (5 seperate colors)

chicken wire

Thank you so very much for any and all donations.

Art ABOUNDS at Chets Creek

We really have a blessed situation this year in that we have 5, that's right, 5 art positions this year. Besides Mrs. Kristy Sappington and me (Jennifer Snead), we have three other "1 day a week" art teachers that will be teaching and motivating our students. Mrs. Cecilia Dushey-Ward is a veteran instructor that will be here on Tuesdays. I am excited that she will bring much wisedom and experience with her to enhance our program. Mrs. Elizabeth Miron is a new teacher this year, but don't be fooled. She is very smart and quite sharp so she will hit the ground running with some fresh ideas and enthusiasm. She will also be here on Tuesdays. Both of these teachers teach four days at another school so we really appreciate the fact that they are giving us their best on their one day at Chets Creek. Now you may be wondering at this part of the article about our fifth person. Well, at this time they have not been hired. But when that person gets here, I will introduce you to her (or him). That position will be with us on Thursdays.

On a sad note, Ms Hallie Spooner has left us to take a job at home in Ohio. She was, and of course still is, a fabulous art teacher and will be a tremendous asset to the school she serves. We will miss her greatly!!!! Best to you, Ms. Spooner!

So heres to a year full of art and creativity! Be looking for the masterpieces to soon be hitting our walls.