Saturday, October 25, 2008

IMing with Iraq - Talk about ART and TECHNOLOGY!

We spent almost an hour IMing with my son James, who is on tour in Iraq, while, part of the time, seeing him through web cam. It is still hard to fathom being in contact with him, half way across the world. But one thing that really struck me was the marriage of art and design with technology that made it possible for this Mama to stay in contact with her boy. We are so surrounded by art being used to simplify and improve our lives that we hardly know it as art! If you have Instant Messaged, you know that there are hundreds of little "things" that you can send through the IM to enhance your words. My Daughter, Morgan, was constantly pulling up these little pictures that did some kind of funny action, when activated, to send with her text. Funny!!!!! Of course, James had to send some back as well. One thing I know......I have an aweful lot to learn! But, I am thankful to be able to keep in touch so often with my son. It almost makes him seem as if he is not so far away.


Susan T. Phillips said...

He looks good - I am glad you can keep in touch with him and actually see him. Tell him we said hi and stay safe.

Suzanne said...

I am so glad that you are staying in touch with J. Technology certainly has shrunk our boundries and I'm with you--there is still so much to learn!

Mrs. Felter said...

That's awesome that you get to IM your son in Iraq! Keep us posted on how he's doing.

Miss Lipsky